Citric Acid Cycle

Also known as the Krebs Cycle or TCA Cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle), the Citric Acid Cycle is common to all aerobic metabolisms, and takes place…


Glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the vertebrate system, and maintaining the correct levels necessary for normal function depends on the interaction of nerve…

Shen à l’EPFL

Un article dans Le Matin nous explique que les chercheurs de l’EPFL ont trouver une correlation entre le rhythme du coeur et ‘l’identification du soie’. Les…

Comment ça marche l’acupuncture?

Cette question revient souvent dans la clinique. Il semble revenir quelques minutes après la mise d’aiguilles .. peut-être donné quelques instants pour réfléchir, nous devenons…


FSH Levels

For women interested in assisted reproductive techniques (ART), or interested in fertility, FSH levels will often be tested by the GP or GYN. FSH levels indicate the relative presence of Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the plasma of the blood. Usually the higher the levels, the less chance one has of conception, although there is an indirect correlation.


Endorphins are peptides that act as neurotransmitters, and belong to the endogenous opiod system. The term “endorphin” is a compound of “endogenous” and “morphine”, referring to a chemical that is naturally produced within the body and that demonstrates effects similar to morphine, in terms of producing analgesia and feelings of well-being. Endorphin production can be stimulated through excitement, pain, exercise, love and orgasm, or even eating spicy foods.