Acupuncture is the use of hair-thin needles (usually 0.25 mm wide, about the width of two human hairs!) to stimulate acupuncture points on the body. According to Traditional Chinese Medical theory, health is maintained through physiological processes ensured by the movement and transformation of qi, or vital energy. Pain and disease occurs when the movement of qi is disturbed. Acupuncture points are located along pathways called jing-luo-mai (vessels and collaterals, sometimes called meridians). Each point has a specific function according to TCM, and points are combined in a way that harmonizes the flow of qi, leading to healing and resolution of symptoms.
Modern research into acupuncture’s therapeutic effects has revealed that there are many physiological mechanisms involved. These mechanisms include effects on the Nervous System, endocrine system, and musculo-skeletal system. Acupuncture has been shown to effect dopamine, endorphin, and serotonin levels. It can reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation. Read more.
Auriculotherapy, Auriculo-acupuncture, NADA Acudetox
This type of acupuncture employs the micro-system of the ear to treat various conditions through out the body. The NADA Protocol is a group of 5 points in the ear, adapted from auriculotherapy. The NADA Protocol is commonly used in the treatment of addictions, and can be beneficial for anxiety, and sleep disturbances as well.
A type of acupuncture in which electricity is passed between needles to stimulate the muscles and tissues, similar to the TENS system employed in physiotherapy.