How To Induce Labor With Acupressure


I‘ve found that this site has a clear and friendly explanation of acupressure for labor induction, including images, descriptions, and videos. I am sharing the link here for future reference! 

How To Induce Labor With Acupressure –

If you have not already discovered this, acupuncture and acupressure are useful in various stages of pregnancy:

  • prior to conception, to aid fertility
  • in the first trimester for morning sickness, or heavy limbs
  • in the last weeks of full term for breech presentation, and labor induction

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are an effective intervention in many concerns regarding women’s health, for example:

  • painful periods, or other symptoms around the period
  • irregular menstrual cycle (long > 28+2 days, short < 28-2 days, or irregular)
  • menopausal symptoms